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Information for Parents

Diurnal (Day time Urinary Incontinence)

  • What is this disease?

    • Urinary incontinence by day (diurnal), night (nocturnal) or both day and night is common during childhood. It can be defined as the ‘involuntary loss of urine from the urinary tract’. The causes can be organic for which surgical intervention may be needed. However, majority of children have functional aetiology, which needs basic treatment.

  • How it is diagnosed?

    • It is diagnosed by history and examination. The basic aim of assessment is to identify organic causes (obstructive, neuropathic) and differentiate it from functional causes. In majority of the children, it can be done on basis of history, physical examination and, when appropriate, ultrasonography of the urinary tracts. More invasive investigations, including urodynamics , MCU, MRI, MRU  and Diagnostic Cystoscopy  are only required occasionally.

  •  How it is treated?

    • Treatment will depend  upon the cause

  • When it should be operated?

    • The decision to operate will depend upon clinical condition and diagnosis.

  •  Are there other alternative methods of treatment?

    • Most of the daytime urinary incontinence with functional causes is managed by nonoperative means.

  • What all I need to know before my child surgery?

    • Read “All you need to know before your child's surgery” information booklet in website.

  • How is the surgery done?

    • Surgery, if needed is done for organic causes like ectopic ureter etc.

  • Remarks

    • For more details of surgery, contact your surgeon

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